I personally believe that the information given in this video is not only accurate, but the information also creates a sense of urgency and attention towards the major problems that global warming could present. I believe the film when they say that since we have continually taken and taken form the environment, and still have not given anything back to it, even though the planet has given us warnings, global warming and climate change could present a huge problem to the future generations of the human race. The purpose of the film is mainly to open the eyes of society now so that we can provide and give back some type of change for the betterment of the Earth. Many of the techniques used in the film to help get the message across are very persuasive; one in particular where every single person that talks in the film is either famous, or a researcher, or a scientist, or someone that just knows a lot about the subject. The technique used provides a lot of credibility behind the many claims that these people are mentioning in their film. In other words, since your a scientist, what your saying must be true.
The effect of the film, to me at least, brings about feelings that change is needed. Watching the film opens up the eyes of people that do not know about the problems facing the environment. Which is really funny since we are the ones causing these problems.