Response/Personal: At different times during the story, there seems to be a voice narrating. The voice only appears inside Juniors head when the story has switched to his point of view. When he was inside the womb a voice told him about the end of the world; this seems to be the same voice that has accompanied him through the seven years of his life. I didn't pick this up before and because of that I felt like the story didn't really make sense, but now it does completely.
Analysis: In a way, the author's style is to indirectly use the voice as a way to explain not only difficult things to Junior, but also as a way to explain confusing parts of the story to the reader. "Like the comet- is it Armageddon? Can't be. Not the Armageddon we read about in CCD. Because even though there is a reference to a great mountain burning with fire... cast into the sea- which sounds a lot like what the voice described to me, in the next chapter... an army of 200 million men appears. According to what I've been told, there won't be any men left after the comet hits" (Currie Jr. 48). The context of this quote comes from when Junior was in church and he began to become confused and he remembered something that the voice had said to him in the past about the future. Junior really does actually listen to the voice; the voice can also be seen as another authority figure in the story that only Junior looks up to, (Dystopian Element). "I hoped to that I would hear the voice again soon and maybe it would tell me what's going to happen with Rodney. Whenever it tells me something about the future, things always happen exactly the way they're described" (Currie Jr. 49)
Okay, I'm starting to see the future in here after all :) Your analysis section is strong. Remember to focus on one quotation for both sections.